Get in your Newborns’ Photos!

Get in your newborn photos! You heard me, as a parent and a professional newborn photographer I’m here to tell you to have your photos professionally taken with your newborn. But aren’t newborn photo sessions are for newborns? Well yes, but also, for the parents and siblings! You’ve waited 9 long months to meet your new beautiful baby, and you should be celebrated too. No matter how tired, or how sore you might be, you will not regret taking professional photos with your sweet newborn. As a newborn photographer, I have talked with parents who want to be in their newborn photos and are involved in the photoshoot, and parents who opt-out. Whichever you choose is fine with me, but here are the reasons I think you should be in those professional photos with your newborn.

Parent Newborn Photos

You’re a new family!

The memory is yours too. I can take a beautiful photo of your sleeping baby, but having you in the images, loving and holding your beautiful baby in those first weeks is something that is short and fleeting. Having professional photos taken with your newborn gives you both mom and dad memories to cherish for years to come. If your newborn photographer has the ability to take parent and sibling photos, do it! I know you may not feel so great right now, but you will be happy you did.

Don’t let this time slip by 

 You have been waiting to meet your baby since the day you found out about the pregnancy and they’re finally here! Documenting these sweet first days and weeks with your little one is important to me because they only stay so little for so long. I try and photograph everything I can, from their tiny toes to those chubby cheeks. So, I want to be able to capture the parents with their newborns as well. Those first sweet moments when are so small and they wrap their little finger around yours. I want to capture those moments and make them into memories that you will cherish for a lifetime.

My camera is better than your iPhone

 My camera is better than yours. Sorry, not sorry, it just is. I have the equipment, lighting, experience, and know-how to make even the most tired of mothers look fabulous. I can take a photo with dim lighting and turn it into a masterpiece. An iPhone just does not have the quality that a professional camera does. Also, I know how to pose you so you and your family look beautiful holding your newborn baby.

Family With newborn baby

Siblings want to feel special too! 

Siblings are a big part of bringing home and photographing your newborn baby. They want to be involved and feel like they’re just as special. I love when siblings are a part of the session because, sometimes, this is the first professional photoshoot they’ve done since their own newborn session. Really! Don’t get me wrong, It may take a while to get that perfect sibling and newborn shot, but it will be worth it.

Brother with newborn baby

You will not regret having your photos taken!

 You will never regret taking pictures with your newborn baby. Never. You know what you will regret, not taking them. Do you know how I know this? I didn’t take any images with my newborns. After 3 years of infertility and 3 rounds of IVF, I have no professional images of me with my newborn twins. I regret it every day. Really I do. So much so that if we do decide to have another child, I will be hiring a newborn photographer so I can be in the pictures. If you really feel like you’re going to look awful, ask your photographer if they have a hair and makeup artist that they recommend to pamper you before the session. Some of my mothers love this add on, so they don’t have to worry about getting themselves ready, and their newborn baby.

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