Clark Family Beach Session

The sun is shining the water is warm and couples and families are coming out and saying “I want family photos and I want them on the beach at sunset” I’m not kidding! Imagine having your first child during covid, and not being able to capture it with any type of professional photographer. So I am so happy to be able to provide family sessions for these families! If you had told me a few years ago that I would be doing most of my photo sessions on a beach, I wouldn’t have believed you. I’m a mountain girl. I love the mountains. But after we moved to South Tampa, and friends and family got wind that I was near a beach, the inquiries started coming. I have become a changed photographer. Give me all the babies on a beach at sunset! Sunset is always the best time to do a session because the light is beautiful.

I was lucky enough to do this session at Fort De Soto on a Thursday, so there were not many people there. I highly suggest weekday sessions for this reason. We were not bothered by many beach goers or other photographers as this is a popular place for Tampa and St.Pete natives. The sun was setting and the weather was perfect. I could not have asked for a better evening for the Clark family. Baby Owen was born during the pandemic so this is his first photoshoot! Can you believe it? That smile says it all. He loved his session and he’s probably one of the happiest babies I’ve ever photographed. I can’t wait to do his first birthday session!

Family Beach Session in Tampa
Family Beach Session near Tampa

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